Upgrade breaks USB disk automount

Jeffrey Barish jeff_barish at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 23 19:10:59 UTC 2006

D. Michael McIntyre wrote:

> On Thursday 23 November 2006 1:39 pm, Jose Gomez-Dans wrote:
>> Has this happened to anybody else? The disk can still be mounted using
>> mount/pmount, but...
> Just to note, I did the same upgrade, and my card reader and USB DVD-RW
> are
> still working fine.  I don't have any USB hard disks to try.
> Did you reboot, or at least log out and back in?  That might cure it,
> though I
> haven't actually logged out here since that upgrade.  Maybe if I log out
> and back in, I will encounter the same troubles!

I did the same upgrade.  My USB scanner no longer works, although the two
USB printers do.  The failure occurred without doing log out/in or a
reboot, and it persists since rebooting.
Jeffrey Barish

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