KDE and too many programs

Vayu vayu at sklinks.com
Wed Nov 22 19:36:48 UTC 2006

Art Alexion wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 November 2006 01:55, Vayu wrote:
>> I can't speak for Edgy, but in Dapper I used a command line program
>> sysv-rc-conf to turn off a bunch of the services I don't want.
> This is fantastic.  Thanks.
>> A curious problem with that however, is that I had to go in and rename
>> the shutdown script names to stop from having those services being
>> called to shutdown.
>> A little study on the run levels and associated scripts helped me to
>> reduce my boot and shutdown times and memory usage.
> Any pointers?  There is a lot there I am not sure I can do without.
I'm running out the door right now, but you can start with things you 
know you don't use like bluetooth if you don't have it, pcmcia if you're 
not using a laptop, lvm, evms if you didn't set your hard disks up to 
work with them.

There's a howto on the ubuntuforums site that describes a few more of 
the services.  I would recommend being conservative at first. In that 
howto there were a few things termed useless for the author with no 
explanation, that I knew I needed.  Generally if you don't know what it 
is leave it alone, and you'll be fine.

He also describes how to turn off the shutdown scripts of the services 
you've disabled that sysv-rc-conf leaves active.

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