KDE and too many programs

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 06:57:54 UTC 2006

O. Sinclair wrote:
> O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Rob Blomquist wrote:
>>> I usually don't take the time to install KDE the way I want, but now I am 
>>> getting very interested in paring down all those programs to the ones I want 
>>> and need, and those I don't.
>>> A big part of the problem are the metapackages and how they control the need 
>>> for all the tools. 
>>> Are metapackages safe to remove? Then customize the package choice as I wish, 
>>> while paying, of course, close attention to the dependancies involved? Ubuntu 
>>> seems to act as if they are crucial to the upgrades being handled properly.
>>> Rob
>> am looking forward to more tech-savvy replies to this than I can give 
>> you. All I know is that I to some extent consider it a pain in the .... 
>> that I can not remove bluetooth that I have no use for whatsoever, nor 
>> can I completely remove the new Kpowerguidance, without breaking 
>> kde-desktop and a whole bunch of useful/necessary applications, such as 
>> System Settings.
>> I don't know why our dear KDE/Kubuntu developers insist on some of these 
>>   apps being so necessary that you cannot remove them without messing up 
>> your system. To my knowledge extremely few desktops and not all laptops 
>> (far from) are sold with bluetooth.
>> Sinclair
> I see I wrote kde-desktop, I do mean kubuntu-desktop of course.
> Sinclair
I see that I stand to correct my earlier rantings. It is possible to get 
rid of bluetooth - but not the new Powermanager (kde-powerguidance). It 
breaks the whole "guidance" - many of the System Settings disappear.

And since I don't like the new Powermanager I don't like this 
connection. Am considering reverting back to Dapper actually (not only 
cause of that, other nuisances with Edgy as well).


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