Oracle Callander

Michael W. Holdeman lists at
Wed Nov 22 01:58:56 UTC 2006

It should be fine, I had it installed on gentoo with no problems. I checked 
all the libs it is looking for are there?

If you like I will email you the app offline.

Link to app support is here.

This is the Linux client only that should communicate with a server, or 
operate as a stand alone system as well. I mainly need it to connect to an 
online server at teh university I work for, then I can get several of the 
desktops in teh office switched over to linux.


On Tuesday 21 November 2006 16:37, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 November 2006 2:42 pm, Michael W. Holdeman wrote:
> > Could this be due to using sudo and not really running the script as
> > root?
> If you run something with sudo, you *are* running it as root.  You could
> try sudo su and then running it that way, I guess.
> You definitely have glibc installed.
> Again, I don't know the package, but the last time I saw something like
> this was when I was wrestling with a proprietary device driver that only
> came as an RPM for an old version of Red Hat.
> What is this thing?  What will installing it do to my system?  Can I get
> rid of it?  If I can play with it without screwing anything up, I'll
> download it and tinker with it for you.
> --
> D. Michael McIntyre
> Author of Rosegarden Companion
> See my new music stand unfolding at

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