Using a floppy

Kaj Haulrich kaj at
Tue Nov 21 12:36:15 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 21 November 2006 12:29, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> I had a new computer built for me last May and installed
> Mandriva. Recently I installed kubuntu Edgy. My computer included
> a floppy drive which I had not asked for but since it was there I
> used it. In Mandriva no problems.
> In kubuntu I am having a small problem so I am asking for some
> help. Yes, I know about changing /etc/fstab which I have done so
> that the start of the last line is /dev/fd0. I can now read my
> diskettes OK. All my diskettes are already formatted to Ext2 and
> they are all writeable.
> My problem is that I cannot write to them, which rather defeats
> the purpose. I mount the floppy, I create a text file and then I
> try to save it to the floppy and I get the message 'Unable to
> write to file'.
> The permissions of fd0 are rw-rw-rw- and yes I am included as a
> user in the 'floppy' group.
> This leaves me rather baffled. Can anyone help please?

Two guesses :

The permissions should include the executable bit (x), otherwise you 
cant change directories.  Try 'chmod 777'.

Your fstab should include 'umask=0'. for example :
/dev/ fd0    /media/floppy0  auto   umask=0, rw,user,noauto  0  0

Kaj Haulrich. 
*** Sent from a 100% Microsoft-free computer ***
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