crontab does not work anymore

Thilo Six T.Six at
Mon Nov 20 20:57:26 UTC 2006

claudiu wrote the following on 20.11.2006 20:10:
> I have a big problem with crontab in ubuntu dapper.
> Recently I accidentally did:
> 	$ sudo crontab /etc/crontab
> and I started receiving this by email, instead of the usual reports:
> 	/bin/sh: root: command not found
> I noticed that /etc/crontab MAY have user name in it, not like ".crontab" 
> files. Anyway, I erased root's crontab by doing:
> 	sudo crontab -r
> And now I don't receive any emails at all.
> I need to know how to fix this ASAP!!!! 
> Thank you!

I think this two are different.
$ sudo crontab -r

works on crontabs that have been set up by:
$ sudo crontab -e

to list the setting:
$ sudo crontab -l

but that ist different from /etc/crontab (even as root(via sudo))

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

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