Downloading _big_ files: problem, and solution.

Fred Schaer fred.schaer at
Mon Nov 20 17:47:00 UTC 2006

Maybe it's easier to use :

wget --continue <URL> ?


Renaud (Ron) Olgiati a écrit :
> I have started downloading the .iso file for burning an OS DVD.
> Problem: 
> - The file is _BIG_ (3.4 GB) and the download takes around six days.
> - The power supply here in Paraguay does not last that long without power 
> cuts, specially at this time of the year.
> -When the UPS battery runs out the computer shuts down in an orderly manner, 
> closing all the progs that are running at the time.
> -And when you close down Konqueror in the middle of a download it deletes the 
> xxx.iso.part file.
> This already happened to me twice, each time around 1.2 GB or 30% of the 
> download; 
> AAAAAAAAARGH !  (feel better already  ;-3)
> Solution:
> A cron job that will, every hour:  cp -f xxx.iso.part xxx.iso.part.bak
> That way at the worst I now only loose one hour's worth of download, as I can 
> cp xxx.iso.part.bak xxx.iso.part and resume the download.
> Cheers,
> Ron.
> --
>            Paranoids are people, too; they have their own problems.
>              It's easy to criticize, but if everybody hated you,
>                             you'd be paranoid too.
>                                                       -- D.J. Hicks
>                    -- --

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