messages not going to sent-mail in KMail...

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Mon Nov 20 07:15:00 UTC 2006

Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Saturday 18 November 2006 11:39, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
>> Anyone have any thoughts about why random messages are not going into
>> sent-mail after I send them?  I don't see a pattern here, but three times
>> now I've gone to look back at something I sent, only to find it isn't
>> there.
>> Weird.
Is it the Inbox or sub-folders? On sub-folders you can set a property 
that mail sent as replies stays in the subfolder instead of going to 
send mail. I use this a lot and have noticed that at times it seems to 
change this property for unknown reasons.

It can also be the order you have set for sorting mail in sent mails 
folder that simply "hides" the sent emails.


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