Advice for possible convert to Ubuntu

Vayu vayu at
Mon Nov 13 19:07:22 UTC 2006

Hawkwind wrote:
> I'm curious as to why these topics are getting to changed to show 
> POSSIBLE SPAM in the topic/subject.  Why is it being done and if it 
> serves no purpose, since this happens to be a mailing list and the 
> messages are legit, it really needs to be stopped.
> -- 
> With kind regards,
> Cliff Wade (Hawkwind)
> Registered Linux User #362532 Registered Kubuntu User #331
> IRC Channels ( <>): #LFD 
> #Kubuntu #Ulteo 

Someone else had a similar thing a while back.  It was being applied 
automatically for them.  I don't remember if it was their ISP or a spam 
blocker, but it was something like that.

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