Image viewer question

Hawkwind hawkwind at
Sat Nov 11 15:59:47 UTC 2006

On 11/11/06, Melanie <melanie.t23 at> wrote:
> On Saturday 11 November 2006 15:07, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> " On Saturday 11 November 2006 8:23 am, Nigel Ridley wrote:
> "
> " > Is there a similar app out there that will do what kuickshow could do?
> "
> " So far as I know, the disappearance of Kuickshow is strictly a Kubuntu
> thing. " There are lots of "where is Kuickshow?" hits on google, and they
> all seem to " have Kubuntu in them somewhere.
> Mandriva 2007 includes kuickshow 0.8.12 running under KDE 3.5.4
> Melanie
> --
> kubuntu-users mailing list
> kubuntu-users at

If you look, kuickshow hasn't been updated since 8/16/2001.  Hence the
reason it's no longer in *Ubuntu.

Mandriva keeps packages around for years and years, even after being
unmaintained and they rebuild them against a newer KDE/Gnome or whatever.  I
know this well since I ran the distro for 4+ years and still build packages
for the distro.  It's crazy, but it's true.  kuickshow is a goner in most
all distros.

With kind regards,

Cliff Wade (Hawkwind)
Registered Linux User #362532 Registered Kubuntu User #331
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