Dual boot: cannot access windows

Eduard Bonet bonedu at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 01:22:37 UTC 2006

> Hi Eduard,
> The easiest way to fix this is to edit the GRUB file manually. Use the
> command 'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst' and type the following at the end
> of
> the file:
>         title   Microsoft Windows
>         rootnoverify(hd0,0)
>         chainloader +1
>         boot
> Press CTRL+X to save and exit, reboot your PC, and Windows will be in the
> boot menu. :)
> I'm assuming that /dev/hdc is your first (or only) hard drive - if it's
> not
> you'll need to substitue rootnoverify(hd1,0) (if it's your second drive)
> or
> rootnoverify(hd2,0) (if it's your third drive).
> Hope that helps!
> Regards,
> Jody
> --

It works! Pretty easy! Thanks, Jody.
Now just for curiosity: what is the exact function of chainloader? Is it the
same as chain-loading? I have checked the grub tutorial but it is not clear
to me, specially because in the ubuntu forum someone said that chainloader
can be used to synchronise the grubs between two ubuntu distros installed in
different partitions.
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