Can't start DVD iso installation...

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Fri Nov 10 02:09:40 UTC 2006

On Thursday 09 November 2006 2:30 pm, Johnny Ernst Nielsen wrote:

> Don't be sorry on my behalf.
> I may have to deem kubuntu 6.10 useless, but there are other distros
> out there.

I have to say I'm none too keen to take that one for a spin myself.

> Thank you very much for your good efforts Mr. McIntyre

You're welcome.  It was a good try anyway.  I just bit off more than I could 
chew, and got humbled a little.  Good for me.

Good luck!

D. Michael McIntyre 

Author of Rosegarden Companion
See my new music stand unfolding at

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