KDE Freezes up
Howard Coles Jr.
dhcolesj at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 04:44:33 UTC 2006
On Tuesday 07 November 2006 10:42 am, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> On Sunday 05 November 2006 10:56 pm, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> > Nope. Running everything as it came from the repos. I run the ati
> > driver.
> Which one? The free one that has broken 3D ("ati" I think), or the
> proprietary one ("fglrx" maybe)?
The "ati" version. I can't run the fglrx for some stupid reason. I think its
this crappy Toshiba (I'LL NEVER BUY ANOTHER ONE!).
> Not directly related, but I had all kinds of trouble with that proprietary
> driver on Debian Sid. I got the system to such an incredibly screwed up
> state that I cut my losses and format/reinstalled for the first time since
> 2001. It was that bad. I thought my computer was dead. The timer was
> running 4X too fast, the screen was flashing at a frenetic rate in text
> mode. All because of that stupid proprietary ATI driver, and even rebooting
> to use the other one did not solve the problem. I had to power the machine
> all the way off to make whatever that driver had done to it, some
> persistent bad hardware state, go away.
> That was when I switched to Kubuntu, actually. I decided to reinstall with
> Kubuntu, and try the whole "regular stable snapshot" idea on for size. So
> far, so good, but I'm running Dapper, not Edgy. I decided "LTS" sounded
> really good after that mess. It really was quite bad, and I'm the kind of
> guy who has rebuilt a partition table from scratch, installed Debian from
> scratch onto a running Mandrake that was still running (and it booted, and
> worked!), and all kind of crazy extreme hacker things like that (mostly in
> my younger days, mind.) I don't scare easily, and this scared me.
> I don't know that I'm offering you any real advice here. Just sympathy. I
> hate ATI. I will NEVER buy ATI again.
AMEN to that!
See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!
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