desktop search

Lord Sauron lordsauronthegreat at
Wed Nov 8 00:17:27 UTC 2006

I have no experience with kerry beagle outside of gnome, but I do know
that it has the ability to index only certain areas...  lemme see if I
can find the config file.

<opens terminal in SLED 10.1 - very nice and shiny by the way>

You should find kerry beagle stuff in ~/.beagle

On 11/7/06, D. Michael McIntyre <michael.mcintyre at> wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 November 2006 5:19 pm, D. R. Evans wrote:
> > Is it just me, or does desktop search basically suck in Kubuntu?
> I think I feel old.  I have no idea what any of this thread is about.  I use
> find, slocate and grep, in various combinations.
> --
> D. Michael McIntyre
> Author of Rosegarden Companion
> See my new music stand unfolding at
> --
> kubuntu-users mailing list
> kubuntu-users at

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========= END GCv3.12 ========

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