KDE Freezes up

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at gmail.com
Sun Nov 5 13:34:18 UTC 2006

Has anyone else had a problem with KDE just freezing up in Edgy? 

I get no logs, no info, nothing that would help me figure out what's going on.  
I'm running different apps each time, but most often appears when I'm running 
some kind of multimedia (like AVI, Quicktime, RealAudio, and most recently 
OGG in Amarok 1.4.4!).

I thought it was the video stuff, but its doing it with audio as well.  The 
problem is that it has done it at least twice now with no audio or video 

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

http://risenbooks.com Christian bookstore

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