firefox nuisance restart session

Manuel McLure manuel at
Fri Nov 3 21:38:03 UTC 2006

On Friday 03 November 2006 12:48, Scott wrote:
> golfer spake thusly on 11/03/2006 12:39 PM:
> > I can't seem to stop firefox from asking whether I want to restart a
> > crashed session, regardless of which of the 3 startup page options I
> > select.  Anyone know how to get rid of this nuisance?
> Just to clarify: You're saying that it asks even if you've *not* had a
> session that crashed?
> I've only gotten that when in fact I did have a previous session that
> crashed.  It's a new feature in Firefox 2, which I quite like.

The problem occurs when you log off KDE with FF running. Since KDE kills 
Firefox, Firefox thinks it crashed and the next time you log in it pops up 
the "FF crashed" dialog.

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