Where to report bugs?

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Fri Nov 3 01:19:28 UTC 2006

On Thursday 02 November 2006 12:33 pm, Derek Broughton wrote:

> LOL.  Who needs that pesky Help menu, anyway? :-)

Well, it's easy to ignore.  Every time I actually want to use it, I get 
invited to write the help file for such and thus.  I don't think I've ever 
really found the help with any KDE app to be useful.

Of course, I live in a glass house here.  I think the last person to touch the 
Rosegarden Handbook was me, and it isn't up to date either.  (Neither is the 
package in Dapper either, for that matter.  Anyone know what version of 
Rosegarden is in Edgy?  If it's "rosegarden4" anything, I need to go tap 
someone on the shoulder, as we seem to have fallen through a bit of a crack 

Programmers hate writing documentation, and documentation writers hate the 
fact that programmers keep changing everything every time you turn around.  
Since I'm both a programmer and a documentation writer, I'm kind of a 
perpetual entropy machine.  I don't want to write new code to invalidate old 
docs, but I don't want to update old docs to reflect current code because I 
know I will eventually change the code.  So it's easier to do nothing at all.  
That's more like it.  If you neither change the code nor the docs, there's 
nothing to do, and you can do nothing.  Entropy.  Simple.

D. Michael McIntyre 

Author of Rosegarden Companion http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/
See my new music stand unfolding at http://users.adelphia.net/~silvan/

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