Help!!! adept nightmare

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Thu Nov 2 17:43:20 UTC 2006

1. There was a list of 1 package to be updated today: kopete.

2. I told adept updater to perform the update (as usual).

3. The installation halted at 60%, and I noticed that it was a bit
strange that it said that it halted while trying to install
vmware-player, since I didn't ask for that package and it wasn't
mentioned in the list of 1 item that it said it was going to update.

4. When I say "halted" I mean exactly that: there were no errors or
anything, but the status bar simply stopped expanding. Yes, I did wait
for a long time.

5. Now whenever I run adept updater, it tells me that there are two
packages availble for update: kopete and vmware-player.

6. If I tell it to update vmware-player it downloads the update, but
halts when installing. (The same way that it halted when installing
the package originially: the status bar just stops growing.)

7. I have no desire to have vmware-player on my system (since I
already have vmware installed), but if I tell adept to uninstall the
vmware-player package, it says: "There was an error commiting changes.
Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit
would break packages." So I can neither update it nor uninstall it.
(And if I were to update it, it would be only so that I could then
uninstall it, since I don't want it.)

8. How do I get out of this mess????? I want it to forget all about
bloomin' vmware-player.

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