Changing to root in konqi

Toby Dickenson toby at
Wed May 31 07:42:32 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 31 May 2006 00:59, James Gray wrote:
> Hope that explains it a little better.  I guess the konqueror developers
> *could* add a "Administrator Mode" button to konqui that does similar magic
> to the system settings module.  Maybe go to "" and log a
> wish-list item.  If it gets enough votes, it might be added as a new
> feature :)

You can do a similar thing today in konqueror, but using ssh to elevate 
priveliges rather than sudo or kdesu. Note that this means to need to allow 
root ssh logins, which is not the default. Try the URL sftp://root@localhost/

Toby Dickenson

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