SCIM and other language characters -- documentation?

Christian Fröbel cfroebel at
Tue May 30 10:05:20 UTC 2006

Hey Henri,

that's not good new at all.

Do you have the ~/.xinput.d directory? If so, please post an ls -l of it. Mine 
looks like this (junk omitted):

en_US -> /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/scim

My locale is en_US.UTF-8, what's yours?

And your locale must be listed in the ~/.scim/globals file, where mine looks 
like this:

/DefaultConfigModule = kconfig
/DefaultKeyboardLayout = US_Default
/DefaultPanelProgram = /usr/bin/scim-panel-kde
/SupportedUnicodeLocales = en_US.UTF-8

If your locale isn't listed in the last line, it won't work, I guess.


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