newbie: dapper: skim and latin characters

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at
Mon May 29 09:32:35 UTC 2006

Christian Fröbel <cfroebel at> writes:

> I can answer myself here. Go to "System Settings"->"Regional &
> Accessibility".  If you select U.S. English keyboard layout in the
> "active layouts" table on the right, below you have the possibility to
> specify the variant you'd like to use. There you can select
> alt-intl. And in the "Xkb Options" tab, enable the options and select
> "Compose Key Position": "Right Win-key is Compose".
> Of course you can select whatever you prefer, but this is the
> equivalent for the command I posted:
> $ setxkbmap us -variant alt-intl -option compose:rwin

Sorry, I missed this thread originally.  

You actually don't have to set the variant to alt-intl. When you do, you
lose the " (by pushing shift-', instead you have to push shift-' space).
The default variant, as long as you set the compose key, works.

John L. Fjellstad
web:          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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