Deleting earlier Kernel Versions

Thilo Six T.Six at
Sun May 28 14:07:57 UTC 2006

Hash: RIPEMD160

Betti Ann & Preston Smith wrote the following on 21.05.2006 19:55:
> Good day all!
> AS my system is updated I notice from the GRUB menu that I now have a
> total of four kernel versions on my system
> How do I go about deleting the earlier versions and totally removing
> them from my system?
> When I delete a kernel is grub updated or do I have to manually do the
> update?
> In the Grub menu I default to XP so that my wife will always have her
> O/S of choice.  Presently after each update I increment the Default
> statement by 2 to keep XP as the default.  Is there a statement other
> than Default that I can use so that I do not have to manually intervene?
> Thank you and enjoy the weekend.
> Preston

I just found out today there is grub-builtin to solve this issue.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## should update-grub adjust the value of the default booted system
## can be true or false
# updatedefaultentry=true
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

with this setting the line:
default         2

gets updated to match the previous selected Default entry after
installing a new kernal automatically again.  ;)

bye Thilo
- --
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- - some friend of mine

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