please, please try to help me with SKIM

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Tue May 23 10:15:04 UTC 2006

It's not my normal policy to beg for help from anyone... I installed Dapper 
from the live CD yesterday and have since been updating and tinkering with 
it. What can I say.... I absolutely love it, truly honestly, Dapper is the 
best thing since sliced bread. HOWEVER!

One feature that I really needed in Breezy was support for writing Chinese 
characters, although there was the SCIM module available for Gnome there was 
no SKIM module available for Kubuntu variant. I waited paitently for Dapper - 
and here it is!

I have installed SKIM and the chinese input modules, but no matter what I try 
I cannot get it to work. I should be able to press CTRL+SPACE to change 
between Chinese/English but it never changes to allow me to use Chinese. I am 
asking if anyone is able to tell me how to get it working (if they know) or 
if they could please just run something like
sudo aptitude install scim-tables-zh
Start up SKIM (already installed by default) and see if you can change 

I am really begging for help on this issue for if I can't resolve it I will be 
forced to commit the cardinal sin - switch distro to something like.... 
[swallow hard] SuSe.

Cheers people, your time is very much appreciated.


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