Xgl -- Should I try SuSE?

Marcel A. W. Spitau marcel at spitau.de
Wed May 17 12:42:27 UTC 2006

Hi Bob,

Am Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2006 13:52 schrieb Robert Tilley:
> Given the answers that Ubuntu may be better than Kubuntu for Xgl and
> compiz, for best effects should I simply try SuSE?  

*IF* eyecandy is a reason to change OS... do it! Do what you want to do ;) 

Maybe xgl works fine in dapper in a few weeks ;) Than you have to change once 
more. 8-)

Marcel A. W. Spitau
Schlicksweg 12
22307 Hamburg 
Tel. +(49) 40 - 41368448

Manchmal spreche ich zuviel.
		-- Lothar Matthäus
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