[breezy] Printer stopped working

vayu vayu at sklinks.com
Tue May 16 20:40:30 UTC 2006

On May 16, 2006, at 12:26 PM, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen wrote:

> On Tuesday 16 May 2006 21:01, Alastair Preston wrote:
>>> Status right now is that the printer is flagged as "Status: stopped
>>> (accepting jobs)" in the kprinter-dialog.
>> Go into CUPS configuration (http://localhost:631) and restart the  
>> printer.
> Well, I can't do that. I requires a login, and it's not accepting  
> my usual
> username/password. How do I set one in CUPS (without resorting to  
> reading
> long man-pages and command-prompts.)?

That page requires an actual root password (not even sudo will work).  
Search the forums. There's a cups configuration file entry where you  
can set it to not require a password.

The file is /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
I can't remember but I think under the heading:
<Location /admin>

that I commented (by putting a # in front of) the two lines:
AuthType Basic
AuthClass System

> BUT the solution I've used was to install Gnome-Cups-manager and  
> start it with
> sudo. Then I can restart the printer. Is there a KDE-equivalent?
> Another BUT. Something is not right with cupsd. After printing a  
> testpage,
> cupsd just hung at 100% cpu. Killing the process and restarting  
> cupsd, the
> testpage got printed again. Weird.
> Bjarne
> -- 
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