Newbie's install questions -- Note on URL 4

Benjamin Sher delphi123 at
Tue May 16 00:18:41 UTC 2006

Rebel Lord wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 May 2006 11:44, Benjamin Sher wrote:
>> Rebel Lord wrote:
>> That certainly clears up a lot of things. Then could you please send me
>> the exact URL where to download Kubunto from. I got it from the Kubuntu
>> download site and downloaded it in Firefox with Fresh Downloads. Thank
>> you so much.
>> Benjamin
>   What is the name of the iso...where did you find the second debian one ? it 
> almost certainly wasn't from the site you said you downloaded it from. Yes a 
> lot of mirrors also have debian files on them, are you sure you didn't go to 
> the wrong directory.
>   Go to and go to the download section. What is Firefox 
> with Fresh Downloads when it is at home ?
Dear Rebel:

Yes, I downloaded the "Kubuntu" from the Kubuntu Download site and saw 
that there was no second disk and assumed that the second disk should be 
downloaded from Debian. And that is what I did. I downloaded Debian 
3.1-R2-2 from the Debian site. But I definitely downloaded "Kubuntu" 
from Kubuntu. I think somebody goofed big time at Kubuntu. See again the 
status bar.

Dear Rebel:

I am very sorry but I have already deleted the file, but it was 
definitely called kubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso. No question whatsoever 
about it. If you try to download it, you will see the "kubuntu" name and 
version in your browser. Just download Fresh Downloads (it's free) and 
try it and you'll see what I mean:


Dear Rebel:

You don't actually have to download the entire Kubuntu file. Just 
install Fresh Downloads, choose browser integration for Firefox, reboot, 
then start the install. You will see the "Kubuntu" file name 
immediately. You can then cancel your install.


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