editing grub

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Mon May 15 16:50:36 UTC 2006

On Monday 15 May 2006 11:01, tommac wrote:
> David Hopkins wrote:
> > You standard user account is not allowed to edit this file. This is a
> > good thing as you would not accidentaly want to edit it! You need to
> > edit this file as root, which mean typing the following
> >
> > sudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
> >
> > On 15/05/06, tommy mcdurmon <tommac at cableone.net> wrote:
> >> I need to edit grub file. I can get to
> >>  /boot/grub/menu.lst
> >> using the run command, and do the typing to edit the file but cannot
> >> save the file. A notice comes up saying it is not possible to write to
> >> this file and there may not be enough disk space.
> >> When I go to options, it allows me to open in terminal but permission is
> >> denied to list or edit the file.
> >> How can I change this or is there another path to this file that will
> >> allow me to edit?

> thanks David for the info, but I need more help. How do I edit this file
> as root? Where do I type sudo kate etc.?  Sorry for all these questions,
> I'm new to this. Your help is greatly appreciated.


In Kubuntu the best way is using kdesu instead of sudo.  You can do it two 

If you keep a terminal (Konsole) open just type 

kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst &

on the command line.  You will get a gui input box asking for your password 
and then you will be running kate as root, with permission to edit/screw up 
any file.

If you don't run a terminal window, hit <alt>+<F2> to get the run box.  In the 
input field, type

kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst

and again, you will get a gui input box asking for your password, etc.

kdesu is the gui wrapper for sudo.  Running sudo for gui programs can be 
problematic as both need to get your password.  If you use sudo and then end 
the command with & to background the process, the password prompt will also 
be backgrounded and you won't see it to respond to it.  kdesu solves this 
problem by presenting you with the password prompt in an gui input dialog.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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