dvd/cd burner

John Zoetebier john at transparent.co.nz
Sun May 14 09:57:00 UTC 2006

On 5/7/06, Dick Barmann <reb68 at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> I am going to buy a new burner and everything I see on the shelves says
> "windows" Which dvd/cd burner would you recommend that will work with
> linux.
> I need to stay in the lower price area.

The model is not important. It's the interface.
If your burner has a stander IDE interface it will work properly.
My experience is that CD/DVD burning on Linux actually works better than on
I have had numerous problems on Windows and never a single one on Linux.

John Zoetebier
Web site : http://www.transparent.co.nz
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