Editing ID3 tags of mp3's

Tez binary_y2k2 at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat May 13 15:48:09 UTC 2006

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> What program can I use to automatically edit the ID3 tags of an mp3
> collection based upon the file names? I have tried EasyTag but it does
> not support the UTF-8 that I need because my file names are in Hebrew.
> Thanks in advance.
> Dotan Cohen
> http://auto-car.info

First let me say I'm not an expert on ID3 tags, but I have been working
on converting some audio types recently so I have had to look up a few
things. There are different versions of ID3 tags and they work with
different encodings, i.e. ISO-8859-1, UTF-16 and UTF-8. And UTF-8
olny works with **ID3v2.4. After a bit-o-googleing I found a message
relateing to your problem:

But as far as i can see you have to use a hex editor to change some
bytes to a different value.

At least this gives you an idea of what the problem is.

Terence Simpson

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