Filling up /

John Campbell jdc.rpv at
Sun May 7 08:35:37 UTC 2006

Karl wrote:
> Dotan Cohen schreef:
>> On 5/7/06, ben <ben at> wrote:
>>> try
>>> 'sudo du -sh /*'
>>> to give u a breakdown of usage from / dir then cd into the main 
>>> offending dirs
>>> and
>>> 'sudo du -sh ./*'
>>> ben
>> Fund it! Unbelievable. A few weeks ago I was moving files between hard
>> disks that I was connecting/ disconnecting from the machine. I had a
>> temp_files folder in root set up for the purpose- and I forgot to
>> delete it when I finished the last batch! 5 GB of pictures in there...
>> now the system is a little cleaner:
>> # df
>> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>> /dev/hda2             11535344   3842352   7107024  36% /
>> tmpfs                   128388         0    128388   0% /dev/shm
>> tmpfs                   128388     12588    115800  10%
>> /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/volatile
>> /dev/hda6              6965472   2107212   4504432  32% /home
>> Thanks, all. Sorry for the noise- stupid mistake on my part.
>> Dotan Cohen
>> 3
> There are no stupid questions...

Tell that to the Kbuntu-devel list...  Half the posts to that list are 
answered with something along the lines of "How dare you waste our 
precious time with such unworthy issues."

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