should "apt-get dist-upgrade" include kernel updates???

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Sun May 7 08:03:58 UTC 2006

386 will work fine, but 686 is more optimized. 686 is for Pentium Pro CPU or 
higher, so almost any Pentium machine apart from ones using the very first 
versions of the Pentium chip. You probably won't see any benefits but it 
should theoretically be faster.

On Sunday 07 May 2006 15:55, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 5/7/06, Scott <listboi at> wrote:
> > And if your computer is less than say 10 years old, you might consider
> > "linux-686" as it's optimized for Pentium Pro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV
> > processors.
> Could you elaborate on this? I have two machines: a 1.5gHz P4 and a 
> 1.2gHz AMD Duron. I was led to believe that I must use only 386.
> Should I use 686? How can I upgrade, or would I have to reinstall?
> What benefits would I see?
> Thanks.
> Dotan Cohen
> ~

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