dvd/cd burner

Pavan Balaji balaji at cse.ohio-state.edu
Sat May 6 14:30:37 UTC 2006

Most of my friends use different CD/DVD burners (at least 10-20
different models) -- I'm yet to see one which is not recognized by linux.

 -- Pavan

Jonathan Patrick Davies wrote:
> On Saturday 06 May 2006 15:45, Dick Barmann wrote:
>> I am going to buy a new burner and everything I see on the shelves says
>> "windows" Which dvd/cd burner would you recommend that will work with
>> linux. I need to stay in the lower price area.
> Errr, I think any of them should work fine, with Linux.
> Jonathan

Pavan Balaji
Graduate Research Assistant,
Computer Science and Engg.,
Ohio State University
Ph: +1-614-316-8175

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