Dapper. Exceptionally buggy phase?

Thilo Six T.Six at gmx.de
Wed May 3 19:47:54 UTC 2006

Hash: RIPEMD160

Howard Coles Jr. wrote the following on 03.05.2006 06:35:
> On Tuesday 02 May 2006 19:45, Scott wrote:
>> Scott wrote:
>>> Is it just me., or is Dapper going through one of those exceptionally
>>> buggy phases that affect development versions of Linux distros?
>> I have noticed the same.  I have had unstable programs and majority of
>> the time I must turn off my computer by a hard power off.
>> I tried to submit bug reports, but it seems that the bug reporting
>> system has moved to a 3rd party web site I find difficult to navigate,
>> so I decided not too.
> Yea, I've noticed a few times lately when I had to power off via the button, 
> instead of the normal way.  Then there are the times when my Laptop will just 
> power itself off without warning.  I've also had a hard time with udev, and 
> now kontact / kmail.  Some of my mail folders will not keep their settings, 
> such as Identity to use and what mailing list is in them.
> I guess I'll just hold off on the bug reporting thing until there are not quit 
> as many of them. :-P

Maybe you will have a look at this one:

It might be the same problem you face.
- --
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- - some friend of mine

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