What's the point of katapult?

Gustav H Meyer gustav at gcis.gov.za
Wed May 3 08:47:44 UTC 2006


On 03/05/06 09:00, Michel D'HOOGE wrote:
>> You mean as in "Alt F2  kcontrol" ? ;-)
> I can't see either the real interest of katapult. At least it could
> show more than one choice based on the typed letter...
> Compared to "Alt-F2", it doesn't rely on history which is good if you
> want to start a program for the first time and don't know precisely
> the name - but in that case, maybe it isn't that important... ;-)
> BTW, this is the way "Alt-F2" behaves in gnome, there is an
> auto-completion based on what is typed and no history.

I also have become very accustomed to using Alt-F2 for launching 
applications and see no point in having katapult. In fact it's one 
of the first services that I disable because it's just plain 
annoying when one has gotten used to using Alt-Space for launching 
the Window Operations Menu.

And here is my reasoning. I hate using the mouse and use the 
keyboard where ever possible. Using Alt-Space is easier and faster 
on operations that are more often used like minimizing (Alt-F2-n) 
and maximising (Alt-F2-x) windows. Alt and function keys 
(Alt-F2/F3...) are more difficult to reach and used less often. I 
use Alt-F2 almost exclusively for launching applications and the 
K-Menu is almost never used, but it is often nice to have for seeing 
what is available.

But that is my view and who am I to change your opinion? :)


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