sshkeychain for Kubuntu

Minty mintywalker at
Tue May 2 20:48:41 UTC 2006


Whilst using a Mac, I came across a natty little application called SSHKeyChain

The premise being that when you ssh, it'll store your ssh keychain
password, encrypted with your login (desktop) password and
automatically fill it in (the ssh password) when required.

Thus, you have a password protected ssh keychain (rather than a
password-less one), but once you have logged in to the desktop you
don't have to enter the (keychain) password each time you ssh out. 
Much less typing.  And I think good security remains as you still need
the desktop password at each login.

Is that making any sense?

I'm after the equivalent on Kubuntu.  Pointers?

Thanks ... and can't wait until Dapper is out officially :)

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