Kubuntu Dapper + K3b - destroying my dvd's

James Gray james at grayonline.id.au
Mon May 1 22:51:02 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2 May 2006 04:53 am, Morten Gerdsen wrote:
> Hi Mitch,
> I have speed at "auto", but anyway it seldom goes above 5-6 although I
> have a 16x burner with 16x discs.
> But I think the important thing is that it works under Gnome (Breezy),
> but not with KDE (Dapper). Does somebody know what differences between
> these setups could influence DVD burning?

I'm running breezy and I've found the DMA support to be decidedly flaky on my 
HP laptop since the last kernel update (2.6.12-10.30 - Mar 11).  Everything 
from "hd[ac]: DMA timeout retry" and IDE bus resets to complete system 
lockups (have to power cycle).  This all started after the last kernel 
update...I'm hanging out for Dapper, but from what I'm reading here I may not 
find relief there either :(

Not a solution, I know, but you asked what can cause these type of problems.  
Unfortunately there's no easy answer to that.  It could be a bug in the newer 
growisofs, or in ide drivers, or in the chipset drivers, in the kernel's DMA 
support, right through to flaky RAM sticks or other hardware problems.  
However, given that your setup works fine in other distro's (breezy et al) I 
doubt it's a hardware fault.

Good luck :)


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