Konqueror and .part extensions via ftp

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Thu Mar 30 16:55:27 UTC 2006

On Thursday 30 March 2006 08:58, Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
> Hi,
> Whenever I download some files from a local ftp server (like some .oggs  of
> a friend's computer) using Konqueror it downloads the files perfectly
> except they are left  with a .part extension

> I know Konqueror names partial files with .part 
> but in this case it seems to forget to rename them after download. As far
> as I know it seems to work OK with the few internet fpt transfers. Of
> course I downloaded these exact same files using gFTP and there was no
> problem.

what is the output of 
diff <file.ogg.part, from konqueror> <file.ogg, from gftp>

Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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