Konqueror and mimetypes

Nicolas Ouellette nicolas.ouellette at sympatico.ca
Fri Mar 24 12:13:42 UTC 2006

Le 24 Mars 2006 06:53, Mitch Thompson a écrit :
> Nicolas Ouellette wrote:
> > Hi. Since I've upgraded to KDE 3.5.1 on Breezy, I have this problem when
> > donwloading certain type of files with Konqueror. For example, when I
> > click on a link to download either a *.deb or *.skz (at this time, these
> > are the two mimetypes for which I know Konqi behave this way), Konqueror
> > doesn't start a dowload. Instead, it displays the file in binary format.
> > In consequence, I have to load Firefox and start the download...
> >
> > Surely this has to do with mimetype associations, but I can't figure out
> > how to correct the problem.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Regards,
> An immediate fix is to "Shift-Click" on the link.

Shift+click doesn't work on all websites. It sometimes downloads a 
"download.php" file. 

Example link: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=6384

> Otherwise, in Konqueror, go to Settings, Configure Konqueror, then go to
> File Associations.  In the Find filename pattern box, type in the
> extension you are searching for (in this case, .deb and .skz).  When it
> shows up in the Known Types box, simple select it, then change what you
> want Konqueror to do with the file.

Whatever I decide to do, I get the same results. Furthermore, it seems 
illogical to associate kget to a certain mimetype.

Nicolas Ouellette
Étudiant au M.A., philosophie
Registered linux user #368073
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