ftp in konqueror

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Wed Mar 22 12:54:40 UTC 2006

Pah! Forget it! I turned the computer off and on again and it's all 
hunky-dory. Thanks anyway, I thought it was only wind**s that needed 
restarting periodically to make sure everything worked!

On Wednesday 22 March 2006 20:39, scott wrote:
> Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
> > but connecting to ones that
> > require authentication seems to be a problem.
> It may not be the authentication that is the problem.  I am also using
> Konqueror now and I can easily connect to my ISP's FTP to alter my web
> space.  It requires a login and password and it works perfectly.
> --
> Your friend,
> Scott
> "The most intelligent people in the world know they are not the most
> intelligent person"

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