need video production advice

john e john.godzero at
Tue Mar 21 18:00:00 UTC 2006

My problem is this:
A local church whom I am genetically attached (the pastor is my aunt,
I'm an atheist who is the family's alpha geek) would like to produce
DVDs at a nominal price ($10ish I think) and they want me to produce

I have already produced a website for them
(, and using past experience as a guide I
expect payment to be around a 12 pack of mountain dew per 100 hours.
I'm not complaining, just noting the lack of cash to emphasize that
new hardware is out of the question. (the church is new and numbers in
the tens)

I have access to a mini-dv camcorder (no mic jack - arg!) and a
windows machine (not mine) that has a firewire port for importing
video. Once the raw footage is on HDD, transfer to my kubuntu machine
is no problem (be it 100s or 1000s or 10,000s of MB).

My job would be to add a menu and edit the actual video and add text
overlays and create the master dvd image(s).

Any software (gpl compatible 100% preferred) and technique advice
would be greatly welcome.

Throw me some good links please (/me crosses fingers)

John Everett

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