Mats Holmberg mats.holmberg at
Tue Mar 21 10:54:29 UTC 2006

Robert Parker wrote:

>On 3/21/06, James Gray <james at> wrote:
>>There's no question about hardware compatibility.  The question is when
>>running a PURE 64bit system, will it will be possible to get 64bit
>>versionsof certain closed source libraries (CODECS spring to mind).  Sure
>>you can run a 32bit chroot or install 32bit compatibility libs, but that's
>>not a PURE 64 bit system then.
>>You missed half the argument.  Period.  End of Subject.
>You are right I'm sad to say, I have not yet found a way to play dvds
>on a 64 bit system
Xine plays dvds nicely for me. Maybe I missed something.. ?

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