To Automatix or not?

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Mon Mar 20 19:43:03 UTC 2006

On Monday 20 March 2006 14:28, Lord Sauron wrote:
> On 3/19/06, James Gray <james at> wrote:
> > I've seen some discussion on two separate threads recently about the
> > merits of Automatix.  I'd like to share the following from Jeff Waugh
> > (Gnome developer ghod and Ubuntu guru):
> >
> > Quote: Jeff Waugh
> > "Please use EasyUbuntu instead of Automatix. There are a lot of
> > disappointly bad things done by Automatix that are better to avoid.
> > - Jeff"
> >
> > Take it or leave it.  I'm not trying to start a holy war or dis the
> > Automatix people.  Just advertising that there is an "Ubuntu preferred"
> > alternative :)
> What on earth is Automatix?  I looked through aptitude, but found nothing.
> --
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> ========= END GCv3.12 ========

Automatix is a very bad tool that you need to download yourself.  It is a 
script and is not avaialble through syantpic/aptitude/adept/apt-get 

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