kmail on windows?

Richard Crawford rscrawford at
Mon Mar 20 12:54:59 UTC 2006

On Monday 20 March 2006 01:44, Mats Holmberg wrote:
> David A' Rebel wrote:
> >On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 10:58:43 +0200
> >
> >Stratos Laspas <stratos at> wrote:
> >>David A' Rebel wrote:
> >>>On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 10:27:05 +0200
> >>>
> >>>Stratos Laspas <stratos at> wrote:
> >>>>Hello there.
> >>>>
> >>>>Does anyone know if there is a way to run kmail on windows xp?
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks,
> >>>>
> >>>>Stratos
> >>>
> >>>   Why ?
> >>
> >>Because at work we use windows (no way to avoid it) and kmail (a) has m$
> >>exchange server extensions that thunderbird does not, (b) it can handle
> >>the strange "feature" of outlook not to recognize attachments with
> >>filename containing non-english characters.
> >>
> >>Oh, and because I prefer kmail to outlook 2k.
> >
> >  In that case then the answer is would need to run something
> > like vmware and I doubt that your work would allow that to happen.
> Could Cygwin be an option?
> Mats

There's the KDE on Cygwin project, located here:

Currently, they support KDE 3.1, though, so the version of KMail that you get 
probably won't have many of the features that you need.  I've also never been 
able to get it to compile on my computer at work, but you might have better 

Personally, I ended up bringing my own laptop (I was lucky to have my wife's 
old laptop as a spare lying around) to work and installed Breezy on it, 
though more because the web development tools in KDE, such as Quanta+, are so 
much easier and more efficient than anything under 'Doze.

Richard S. Crawford (
"That which does not kill me makes me stranger."
    -Llewellyn, from Ozy & Millie

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