USB device permissions

L. Boggio L.Boggio.KUbuntu at
Sat Mar 18 12:41:37 UTC 2006

Le 18/03/06, Peter Clark a dit :

>     Currently, if I plug in a USB mass-storage device (let's say a card 
> reader) and then mount it (by clicking on the icon that appears on the 
> desktop), the permissions are drwx------ mla mla /media/sda1. 
>     What needs to be modified in order to allow anyone in groups "users" to 
> also read/write to the device? E.g., drwxrwx--- mla users /media/sda1. I was 
> looking at the scripts in /etc/udev, /etc/hotplug (and hotplug.d), /etc/hal, 
> but I'm not seeing where the permissions are set. Maybe I just overlooked 
> something?

/etc/fstab needs to be modified
for-example :
defaults,auto,   --> rw <--     ,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,nouser

have a look to its syntax

Ludovic Boggio
French Kubuntu 5.10 User, and proud of it !

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