Cat Command

Lord Sauron lordsauronthegreat at
Wed Mar 15 20:05:43 UTC 2006

On 3/15/06, Freddie Cash <fcash-ml at> wrote:
> On Wed, March 15, 2006 10:44 am, Brad De Vries wrote:
> > On 3/14/06, Lord Sauron <lordsauronthegreat at> wrote:
> >> Back in the /dev/null discussion there was some talk of the "cat"
> >> command (or something like that).  What's that?  I'm not familiar
> >> with that and I lost my "Linux in a Nutshell" book about a week ago.
> >> I suspect it's hiding behind my other books on my desk, but I
> >> haven't looked yet.
> >> Also, I started a blog about my adventures in learning more about
> >> Linux.  It's at in case anybody's
> >> interested.
> > There's been a lot of talk about using the "man" (manual) subsystem.
> > I'd like to add to that slightly.  Using KDE, you can hit <ALT><F2>
> > (or K --> Run Command) and type "man:/cat" to bring up the manual
> > page for the "cat" command.  This will work for virtually any
> > command. Try these for fun:

Awesome.  I didn't know Konqueror did even that!  What is it... if you
have the KDE API documentation installed you can use kde:/[apidoc] and
now even man:/...  wow, that's awesome.

> > man:/intro  (shows the intro manual page)
> > man:/man  (shows the man manual page)
> > man:/  (shows a list of manual sections as available links)
> And the links to other man pages are actually hyperlinks that you can
> just click on.
> Works with info:/ pages as well.
> And (K)Ubuntu includes a locate:/ IO Slave that lets you run locate
> searches from within Konqueror.
> > This functionality is run through the Konqueror browser, so you can
> > easily just type the command into any Konqueror session you currently
> > have running.
> You can also use man:/path/to/man/page if you have man pages stored in
> other directories, or copies of man pages from other systems.
> I have copies of all the FreeBSD man pages on my system Debian system.
>  Rather than spam my MANPATH or trying to use -m with man, I just use
> Konqueror:
>     man:/usr/local/freeman/man1/ipfw.1.gz
> Gives me the nicely formatted man page in the browser.  For the most
> part, the links work, but not always.
> I/O Slaves have got to be the nicest feature of KDE.

After ten years on windows, they're like mana from heaven!

========== GCv3.12 ==========
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========= END GCv3.12 ========

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