[OBORONA-SPAM] adept crashes in breezy and finally I got an external monitor to work

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Thu Mar 16 07:59:47 UTC 2006

Just wanted to add that I have this same problem too, infact I've reinstalled 
3 times because I thought my system was broken, and the most recent install 
I've stuck only to the recommend repositories and it still is messed up. 

On Wednesday 15 March 2006 00:54, Albert wrote:
> Dear all,
> Ever since the last 2 weeks updates on the kernel and others, Adept crashes
> when finishes installing a package, when attempting to sort again. The
> backtrace is nil, for it was apparently compiled without the -g flag. Is
> there anyway to fix this problem, since we'll have to wait a month or two
> to get a dist-upgrade to dapper?
> On other news, I got an external monitor to work for my powerbook. It is
> quite easy, all one has to do is to follow some or all instructions (I
> didn't need the custom radeontool) from http://ozlabs.org/~jk/docs/mergefb/
> Albert
> --
> Albert Cardona
> Molecular Cell Developmental Biology
> University of California Los Angeles
> Tel +1 310 2067376
> Programming: http://www.pensament.net/java/
> Research: http://www.mcdb.ucla.edu/Research/Hartenstein/
> Web design: http://www.pixelets.com

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