I Stuck - Live CD Mounts Linux Swap

john e john.godzero at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 15:41:21 UTC 2006

If your main prob is low memory, use a cli based cd like super rescue
cd, use the swapoff command, then partion with a cli partioner like
Not as friendly, but it gets the job done.

On 3/10/06, Harry Vorstenbosch <harry.vorstenbosch at zonnet.nl> wrote:
> There are special programs to define an USB drive as swap. I remember me an
> Startable CD with a special program which is needed on your first partition
> but I think it is special written for DOS/WINDOWS.  I will take a look for
> you at another moment if you wish, to send you the details how to perform
> this latter. The thing I know is that there would be a save.file on your
> harddisk which got read at the starting moment, but I am afraid it onlu=y
> works with the CD on where the programs are located.
> And I know the start-up procedure is extra long.
> Harry,
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "lordSauron" <lordsauronthegreat at gmail.com>
> To: <harry.vorstenbosch at zonnet.nl>; "Kubuntu Help and User Discussions"
> <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 8:36 PM
> Subject: Re: I Stuck - Live CD Mounts Linux Swap
> On 3/10/06, Harry Vorstenbosch <h.vorstenbosch at zonnet.nl> wrote:
> > Go for a swap partition on your hard disk of about two times your
> > internal memory as long as you have less then 512MB inside your system.
> > If your system contains more memory, you may use a swap file less or
> > equal at the amount of memory and with more then enough memory 1GB or
> > more you don't need a swap file at all.
> I have 256MB of system RAM and plan on getting either 256 or 512 more.
>  I have a ~256MB swap.
> > Go for an USB swap memory only if you are booting and running your OS
> > directly from the or a Bootable CD.
> I would use the swap on my hdd, however, if I try and modify
> partitions I can't use the swap because that would make the drive
> active.  So, I want to have Knoppix use a USB drive as swap space so
> that I can successfully modify my hdd partitions.  However, I don't
> know how to configure that to happen - I know how to disable all swap
> with swapoff -a; but don't know how to get my USB drive to work with
> swapon...
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