Dapper to be delayed 6 weeks...

Frank Arnold franka at svpal.org
Tue Mar 14 06:36:53 UTC 2006

Very good.
However, I hope that thiss time we will be able to upgrade from the CD
or somehow, raather that wwipingh aall our saved daaata in /home
Frank Arnold

On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 17:18 +1100, James Gray wrote:
> From a ZDnet article:
> http://tinyurl.com/m8v4n
> "New versions of Ubuntu Linux have been released at a steady six-month 
> cadence, but project founder Mark Shuttleworth is considering a six-week 
> delay to improve the reliability of an important new version.
> The next version, called Dapper Drake, is due in April. It's the first version 
> that will have longer-term support commitments -- three years for the desktop 
> computer version and five years for servers, compared to 18 months for the 
> current 5.10 'Breezy Badger version. 
> Getting those features right is important, Shuttleworth said in an e-mail on 
> Friday. 'We will live with Dapper for five years -- so let's give it a few 
> extra weeks now so that it can be a real asset to the Ubuntu project for the 
> full duration of its lifespan,' Shuttleworth said."
> Discuss at will, but don't shoot the messenger :P
> Cheers,
> James
         The real problem is, people think life is a ladder,
                      and it's really a wheel.
                            Pat Cadigan
Frank Arnold
franka at svpal.org

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