KDE: where does it keep global shortcuts & date/time format data??

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Sun Mar 12 19:01:09 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

I'd like to know because 2 out of the last three times my computer was
running when there was a momentary interruption in AC power I wound up
with default values...  I know I can just do an:

<alt>+<F1> -> Preferences -> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Shortcuts


<alt>+<F1> -> Preferences -> Regional & Accessibility -> Country/Region & Language

and fix it so that, once again, <alt>+<F4> does NOT close windows,
<ctrl>+<winkey>+<space> DOES pop=up the Windows Operations Menu, & that
Sunday IS the first day of the week on the {_12_ hr display} clock's
pop-up calender.

Of course the clock/calender format fixes would require restarting

But since the AC power is prone to unexpected interruptions around here,

& If I'm running x on my kubuntu installation at the time, well, that
pretty much always results in needing to "run fsck manually"

So I'd like to know what file(s) to back-up so that I can then restore
them prior to running startx...

Especially since about 2 out of three times that I wind up doing an: 

fsck -t ext2 $KubuntuPartition -y

from my fedora installation, it results in things like:

:r!head -6 /lost+found/\#1353292

[Global Shortcuts]
Activate Window Demanding Attention=default(Alt+Ctrl+A)
Defaults timestamp=Oct 12 200501:51:35
Desktop Screenshot=default(Ctrl+Print)
Enable/Disable Clipboard Actions=default(Alt+Ctrl+X)
Halt without Confirmation=default(Alt+Ctrl+Shift+PageDown)

Yet when I poke around in ~/.kde/ I can't seem to find the appropriate
file(s), even after fixing my preferences {as described above}. <sigh>

   #gpg sig for: Joe (theWordy) Philbrook DSA key ID 0x6C2163DE#
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

|      ?           ?		
|        -=-   -=-	 I'm NOT clueless...    	
|        <?>   <?>    	But I just don't know.  	
|            ^          Joe (theWordy) Philbrook           
|           ---  	     J(tWdy)P
|			  <jtwdyp at ttlc.net> 
|      ?           ?		

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