Re. FTP help continued

Derek Broughton news at
Sun Mar 12 14:56:30 UTC 2006

Thomas Olsen wrote:

> On Sunday den 12. March 2006 00:10, DonDashGuitar wrote:
>> I could not find:
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> "Window"=>"Split window left/right"
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> In the Konqueror menu, and sorry it was: "Window"=>"Split view
> left/right". You can also put in the toolbar for easier access. Don't know
> if the menus are altered in a standard Breezy - I upgraded from a
> customized Hoary installation.
>> I'm perhaps a little spoiled by having Filezilla remember all that
>> bothersome logon information but I configured the Wallet and I'm sure
>> I'll get used to the higher level of personal security offered by Linux.
> KWallet is very helpful :-)

No kidding.  I used to be bad, and used the same password for just about
everything.  Now kwallet remembers my passwords and I use strong ones. 
Wallet remembers them for far more things than FileZilla would - I just
wish it could provide them when I work in Firefox.

If I have a password that kwallet _can't_ provide, I still save it in the
wallet, and manually open the wallet to find it if I forget it.

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